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Metatrader 5 is the platform used by brokers to facilitate their user’s trading activity. With white label, there is no need to purchase a Metatrader server license or get involved with any other aspects such as hosting servers. We provide a fully-branded of MT5 white label for your broker business with your own-branding.
Construct a robust brand for your customers with distinct experience. Several customization alternatives are available to get solutions for your needs. Configure all settings without troubling your own.
Choices can be beneficial for your clients to choose the best option for themselves. Clients exposed to investment instrument with feed for Forex.
All set-up servers just for you. We made the inter-connected server to ensure the system effectiveness and notify you with all information that matters.
Providing the most affordable price with flat fee and no turnover, we ensure the maximization of IT function to provide you with an all-in-one solution. Less cost is essential.
Devoted registration forms are prepared for you. We offer you with more than one deposit alternatives to our Client Office. Our Risk Management System will take control of all your earnings. Only with us, enlarging your business will not be a problem anymore!
Liquidity provider is an advanced institutional broker which can help retail brokers to perform hedging on price risk. Connect your MT5 platform to the liquidity provider using our robust trade-processing bridge. In order to facilitate client’s global transactions, we cooperate with Newfund. Newfund is a liquidity hub that connects brokers to various liquidity providers of your choice.
Your setup cannot go wrong with the right advice and consultancy from us. Equipped with expertise, all will go fine.
Monitoring all the activities in the system and managing them are such important things to be noticed, it needs ease of access in systems that we will provide to accelerate your work.
To make sure all the management on your system is running smoothly, all things are need to be learnt and practiced accurately; we provide the preparation you need to make the further steps for your system.
Provide extensive hands through Liquidity Partners with less barriers.
We offer you the right hand to feel safe and aided, along with our guidance and to your matters, in the most convenient way.